
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post 13: Cute Maid Cafe Food 2 By: Yatoujisatsukix

These pancakes remind me of the time I had chicken pots. I had them so bad that they were on my feet and tongue. One day when I was in bed all lonely and sad, my siblings came in with this big breakfast for me. It had human like pancakes, bacon, apple juice, and more. It felt so good to be loved and know my family care. Best breakfast I ever had!!!!! Definitely something I will cherish a lifetime.


  1. Aww... I think that you felt very loved when your sibilings gave you breakfast. So, the loniness and the chicken pox itchiness would have been gone by the love.
    - Andrea

  2. Jasmine I like your post. I see why the pancakes remind you of the chicken pox.
    -cora smith
