
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Post 24: Brazil

Brazil is just such a beautiful place. I've always wanted to go there since 6th grade. One reason is because of the beautiful scenery. When I did a project on Brazil, the pictures I looked up had me in awe. The sunsets were gorgeous, the parades are a joy to be around, and the beaches were colorful. Who wouldn't wanna go to a place like that? I also wanna go to Brazil because of the fine men that are there. Some people may find that a silly reason to go to Brazil, but I don't care. Who don't wanna be surrounded by beautiful men right? The last reason is because of the food. If any place has good food you'll see me visiting there. I love to eat so that's definitely a reason I wanna visit Brazil. If you put those 3 together, you have a strong reason to wanna visit any place. 

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