
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post # 8: Reflection

First quarter art was something else!!!!!
 I had a lot of fun, but was also bored to death at times. 
Nevertheless, I did learn some vital information that helped me become a better artist. 
Some of the best parts about the first quarter would be drawing in general and looking at other artists' artwork. 
I was really amazed at how some people could really draw awing pieces. So cool to see! 
Another thing I like are the blogs. I love looking at the pictures people put up for their blogs. A lot of them out did mine! 
The people in the class made it fun too. There are tons of different personalities and styles. Putting them all together in one room was rewarding. I had plenty of laughs in that class! 
Some bad things about it would being the writing, cornell notes, and stuff in that area. It really made me tired, hungry, and put me in a worse mood if I already was in one. Besides that, it was fun. 
Can't wait for next quarter!!!!!!

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